"Woodworking Plans Books
Wild Birds"
"Pine Boughs"
Four Individual plans as displayed on front cover
Pine Boughs Plans book includes all plans displayed on front cover and include reduced scale drawings, materials list and step by step cut and assemble instructions and itemized materials list.Includes one post mount fly thru, two platform feeders and one hanging hopper feeder. .
( 52 ) 8-1/2 x 11 pages
Paper Back $19.95 + shipping & tax USD
"Pine Needles"
Six individual wild bird woodworking plans includes:
One Hummingbird Arbor, one Log styled platform feeder,One hanging hopper feeder, One log styled wren/songbird nesting house,One post mount fly thru feeder and one high capacity post mount hopper feeder.
All plans include detailed reduced scale drawings, and step by step cut and assembly instructions and Itemized materials list
IISBN 978-1-329-077850
(73 ) 8-1/2 x 11 pages
Paper Back $19.95 + shipping & tax USD
Wood & Wings'
A comprhensive guide for building wild bird feeders and nesting houses based on thirty plus years of experience. Barber supplied wild bird shops, catalogs (Plow & Hearth, Duncraft, Purple Martin Conservation Society, Cornell University Ornithology Lab, John Deere Catalog, Wild Birds Unlimited nation wild bird chain, Wild Bird Company Stores, Wild Bird Center Stores. As well as shipping to the UK, and Japan on a few occasions.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Woodworking tools shop saftey,wood selection, finishing oils and hardware
Chapter Two
Building wild bird projects for personal use and for profit.
Chapter ThreeBirdfeeder styles: hanging hopper,fly thru and platform
Chapter Four
Building nesting houses: wren, songbird,bluebird and purple martin houses
Chapter Five
Building squirrel feeders: table and seat and teeter
Chapter SixHummingbird Arbor
Chapter Seve
Creating wild bird habitat
Chapter EightAttracting wild birds to your backyard habitat
Chapter Nine
Maintaining bird feeders and nesting houses
Chapter Ten
Building woodworking jigs and templates
Enhance your favorite
elandscape projects
Four Log Style Platform Feeders
Incudes four uniqued designs Chalet, Gambrel, A Frame and contemporary gable. Each design furnished with materials list and reduced scale detailed prints. and step by step cut and assembly instuctions.
Wall and gable jig prints included to ease assembly process.
44 pages full color inside and out on 80 pound gloss paper
ISBN 9781387008131
(44 )8-1/2 X 8-1/2 pages
$27.49 + shipping and tax USD
Log Feeder Designs have been used as focal points in a wide variety of Landscape Settings
ISBN 978-1-329-1466-5
Paper Back 6 x 9 64 pages
$15.96 + shipping and tax USD